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What is a Mag Drill?

An attractive drill, mag drill for short, is a drill used to cut metal. Attractive drills are made up from 4 key parts: an attractive base, a drill stand, an engine, and an arbor or hurl. You can utilize a wide assortment of tooling with mag drills including annular cutters, contort drills, taps, reamers, and counter sinks.

The comfort of an attractive drill can't be exaggerated.

Like the seat top drill press or standing drill press, you need an attractive drill press in difficult to get to areas, similar to I-pillars, truck beds, vertical metal parts that are stationary, etc. The attractive base sticks to the metal surface and settles the drill so as to cut the material. You won't have the option to accomplish similar outcomes with a non-attractive drill press – don't attempt.

Why utilize a Magnetic Drill Press?

By utilizing an attractive drill, you'll gain the exactness and speed for penetrating in intense materials when you have to bore with precision and consistency. Attractive drills have solid electromagnetic base empowering it to hold fast to a carbon steel (ferrous metal) surface while turned on. Attractive drills can be situated to penetrate on a level plane, vertically or overhead which is particularly helpful in development. Make certain to make sure about your mag drill to the surface being penetrated into, particularly when overhead, to evade drops from statures or onto your head.